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It was so nice being at the beach for a week with my family and Sean. My twin sister came in town and I always love seeing her! We all had the best time relaxing on our balcony, talking walks along the water, playing cards, cooking big dinners, baking brownies, laughing and just forgetting about our worries for a little while.

Sean's dad has gotten more and more bad news lately regarding his cancer, so I know Sean was thankful to have some time to take his mind off things. This phase of our life is so tough and surreal. It seems as if nothing is going our way. Literally nothing. We still both don't have full time jobs, his dad isn't getting any better, on top of a couple other things, and it's just a whirlwind of negativity. So if you're wondering why I don't blog as much, it's just not at the front of my mind most of the time. I hope that soon we'll be out of this valley we're in and we'll be on our way back up to happiness! God provides.

A couple months ago when I first started working at Fab'rik we got in this amazing kimono and I knew I needed to add it to my wardrobe. It's floral, fringy, and amazing for summer. The light weight material is breathable, and so far I've thrown it over a dress, shorts, jeans, bathing suits... pretty much anything in my closet. It might be a little long for my petite frame, but I rock it anyways!
Bikini Top, Target. Kimono, Fab'rik. Shorts, Brandy Melville. Sunglasses, Madewell.
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