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Happy hump day, readers. To all my college friends preparing for exams, good luck! I know you are going to do great. Never wish college away, it ends in a blink!
 Anywho, I hope you all are doing fabulously. It's almost the weekend, hooray! Here are some things that brightened my day today...

-This morning my older sister was having a sleepy work day so before I went out and started running my errands I brought her some coffee. It was around 10 a.m. when I walked into the Starbucks nearest my house and as soon as I crossed the threshold I immediately started smiling. There is something so electric and fun about a busy coffee shop, regardless if it's local or chain. Business men dressed in suits and ties, stay at home moms discussing holiday parties and gym schedules, Christmas music over the loud speakers and the smell of lattes in the air. Ah, it is a glorious combination! No matter the city, no matter the day, I will always love that.

-Even when you are just sitting around by yourself, sometimes there is nothing better than a good hair day. I had to document this "no bang" look I had going earlier! What do you think? I hate my bangs one minute and love them the next!
-I have always wanted to pay it forward in a drive-thru line. I know that this is a popular thing to do, and lately I've been wanting to try it! Today I woke up knowing I wanted to treat somebody else to something as simple as a little pick-me-up. I went out of my way to go to a Starbucks drive-thru (even though I was only ordering a water) just so I could purchase some coffee for the person behind me. I loved it! So to the random lady driving the black Infiniti, I hope you enjoyed your banana bread and soy chai latte! You deserve it!
What made your Wednesday special?
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