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I'm not usually a big thrifter. I love Macklemore, I love retro clothes, but the hobby of hunting for vintage finds just isn't one I've adopted. I know trendsetters who do, one of my good friends can find amazing items in any thrift shop, but for some reason I'm just not one of those people! Maybe it's the fact that I can't really fit in "normal sized" clothes, but for the most part I seem to find my favorite items in retail stores!My Thrifted Aztec Find
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Fortunately, the other day I stopped by a thrift shop and found this gem of a sweater. It's neutral aztec print with fringe all around the bottom. It's the not the most "flattering" item, (I had to cut the hefty shoulder pads out, you guys) but for 3.99 I just couldn't turn it down. I love the grungy, mountainy feel it has. I decided to style it with my Lord and Taylor motorcycle boots and an extra messy messy-bun. It took me about 2 seconds to throw this outfit together, but it sure felt comfortable and cozy in yesterdays cooler weather.
Sweater, Vintage. Necklace, Hand Picked. Top, Forever 21. Boots, Lord & Taylor. Denim, Forever 21.
What is the best item you've ever found while thrifting? Show me how you style it! Stay tuned tomorrow for some photos of my gorgeous twin and her earthy ensemble!